As we enter into a new year we tend to think of: Resolutions, Setting Goals, or perhaps Out with the Old and in with the New. I encourage my clients to think of the New Year as an opportunity to realign ourselves with one’s authentic self. That part of ourselves that recognizes our true spirit. Some of us might say “I don’t think I know my true self.” For many of my clients, they may not be connected with their true identity, maybe because they have spent a lifetime doing what they think they should do as opposed to spending some time exploring and embracing their understanding of self as it relates to their world.
The road of Personal Development and Self-Discovery doesn’t have to be the Road Less Traveled. It can be seen as a path toward a meaningful and intentional life.
In my practice, I offer my clients the support needed to “LIVE WITH INTENTION.”
What does it mean to live with intention?
Living with intention requires your presence to your feelings and thoughts. It means noticing how you are feeling and how you are expressing those emotions in a respectful and purposeful way. Psychotherapy can be one way of understanding one’s emotions and how to process those emotions so we can grow and stretch as opposed to staying stuck. As a Psychotherapist, I not only hold space for the emotional process but also hold myself out there as a Thinking Partner. Finding the right Thinking Partner is essential, once you feel confident that you have selected the best fit for your needs, your growth and discovery will flow.
How does Living with Intention lead to the discovery of the Authentic Self?
Living from your authentic self requires understanding your values, beliefs, motives and personality disposition. It means diving deep into the self-discovery process. It means embracing and accepting one’s essence and living by that truth. There will be days that this road may feel less traveled, and it will not always feel rewarding; however, Transformation into the Authentic Self requires deep compassion and a great deal of grace afforded to the self-discovery process.
Whether we use the forum of psychotherapy, coaching, or leaning into the many Spiritual practices of Mindfulness, we will get there provided we commit to our Personal Development.
Call the office for a FREE 15- MINUTE CONSULTATION and start your journey toward a stronger healthier lifestyle.