Frequently Asked Questions

ANS: All pricing includes full color. We want your message to stand out and color is the solution. You may submit in black and white and we will print what you provide, however, there is no discount for black and white ads.

ANS: Yes, we can supply you with a copy release form that will allow you to promote your article in a pdf to your client list. Cost for this service is $95.00.

ANS: Yes, each Women’s Journal edition has its own distribution area and is a separate and different publication that the others in Northeast Ohio. Most of the account executives can inform you and assist you in a purchase into each edition.

ANS: Most of the Women’s Journals rate for advertising includes basic display ad creation. There may be instances where this a minimal charge if the situation presents itself, please check with each publication separately for specifics.

ANS: You would be surprised how easy it is to write an article on your own business — you are the expert. One way to start is with writing frequently asked questions and answers that you receive when someone calls in or visits your establishment. This will actually prequalify your clients before they call or step in the door saving you time and money. However, if you just cannot seem to write an article, our representatives are trained to help you get started or establish a plan for submitting an article. Just ask we will help!

ANS: Presently, our digital on line paper does not cost advertisers anything extra. It’s a great double exposure for the price of being in our print publication.

ANS: Yes, your advertised web address is a link readers can select to get more information when reading the publication on line.

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