More than 75 percent of businesses are male-owned, so it might logically follow that men are more successful entrepreneurs than women. But data analyzed by suggests that in reality, women tend to be more effective leaders, they create more jobs, have a larger appetite for growth, and significantly improve startup company performance. When you consider all the statistics, women entrepreneurs outperformed male entrepreneurs.
HERE is the full list of reasons why women are better entrepreneurs than men.
1) Female-Owned Firms Generate Higher Revenues
2) Female-Owned Firms Create More Jobs Than Their Male-Owned Peers
3) Women Executives Significantly Improve Startup Company Performance
4) Women Are More Effective in Senior Leadership Roles
5) Women Have a Larger Appetite for Growth
“There are a number of measures that suggest women are better at providing investment returns and creating new jobs than their male counterparts,” says Eric Noe, Editor-in-Chief,