Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Representatives Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ), Rick Nolan (D-MN), Barbara Comstock (R-VA) and Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR) Bring Priority Focus to Accelerated Research and Screening Services for Women Impacted by Lung Cancer
The Lung Cancer Alliance (LCA) hailed the reintroduction of the Women and Lung Cancer Research and Preventive Services Act, which brings priority focus to a women’s health imperative. The legislation was introduced with bipartisan support in both the Senate and House of Representatives.

The legislation requires an interagency team, led by the Secretary of Health and Human Services, in consultation with the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs, conduct a thorough study and report to Congress in 180 days on the status of and recommendations for:
- Increased research on women and lung cancer;
- Improved access to lung cancer preventive services; and,
- National public awareness and education campaigns on lung cancer.
“Lung cancer disproportionately affects women and is the leading cause of cancer deaths among women. Despite the dramatic impact this has on the women of Florida and across the country, there is a lack of research into why there is this disparate, particularly amongst women non-smokers,” said Senator Rubio. “This bill is a positive step in the battle against lung cancer. It will encourage more research into why lung cancer disproportionately impacts women so we can develop better prevention and treatment tools and have a better understanding of the disease as a whole.”
“Lung cancer kills more women each year than any other cancer. This year, 70,500 women will lose their lives to this disease. While we know the key risk factors, many questions remain,” said Senator Feinstein. “For example, lung cancer has been found in far more women who don’t smoke than in men who don’t smoke, and we have no idea why. This bill will strengthen our efforts to reduce lung cancer and improve patient outcomes.”
“Countless individuals across the country have been devastated by lung cancer. This is a very personal issue for my family, responsible for the death of both of my wife Tina’s parents. This is a disease that knows no boundaries in who it affects thus we must double our efforts to raise awareness and reduce mortality,” Rep. LoBiondo said. “I remain committed to working with Reps. Nolan, Comstock, Bonamici and other colleagues and groups who want to help make real strides against lung cancer.”
About Lung Cancer Alliance:
Lung Cancer Alliance serves and listens to those living with and at risk for lung cancer to reduce stigma, improve quality of life and increase survival. We empower our community by helping people navigate the paths of early detection, diagnosis and treatment. Insights allow us to improve care, amplify awareness, drive advocacy and lead research with the vision of tripling the number of survivors in the next decade. For more information, please visit Follow Lung Cancer Alliance on Facebook: and on Twitter @LCAorg using the hashtag #LCpolicy.
Source:Lung Cancer Alliance 202-742-1895