Meditation Doesn’t Have to be Boring There is a slew of reasons you should be meditating. The mental health benefits of meditation are vast and far-reaching. They include better focus and concentration, improved self-awareness and self-esteem, lower levels of stress and anxiety, and fostering kindness, just to name a few.
I’ve spoken to so many people who would benefit from a meditative practice but are hesitant to try it. Besides not fully understanding what meditation is, the most significant barrier I hear from people is they can’t sit still, and guess what? You don’t have to! The two purposes of meditation are mindfulness (being wholly and truly in the present moment) and developing a mind-body connection. Plus, I am proof you can be active, connected, and mindful. Here are a few ways you can try.
WALKING: Practice walking meditations by trying to connect your steps with your breath. As your mind wanders, bring your focus back to what you feel as each foot hits the ground.
YOGA: The word “yoga” means to join mind and body together. At some point in any yoga class, you will hear, “focus on your breath.” The strong connection yoga fosters between mind and body is the reason I suggest it so often.
COLORING: Hindus and Buddhists color or drawing of mandalas while meditating. Want to give it a try? Grab your favorite coloring book or one of your kids and unleash your creativity. Just be sure to be mindful as you do so.
TAI CHI: The impact form of martial arts involves balancing a per- son’s internal life force, called the “Qi.” The slow, rhythmic movements can be mesmerizing. It is also very accessible. Many local fitness centers offer classes suitable for almost any age.
The challenges that individuals and families are experiencing these days can be difficult for youth and adults. Change happens with support, guidance, wisdom, and trust. At Lamplight Counseling Services LLC we are ready to earn that trust. Reach out to schedule an appointment in Medina, Independence, or an online therapy session.
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