Seth Godin first coined the term “permission marketing” in his book, “Permission Marketing: Turning Strangers into Friends and Friends into Customers.” It’s a term that refers to consumers opting to receive marketing offers and announcements from a brand. Permission-based marketing is a way for businesses to offer incentives that align with customer interest.
Permission marketing is the privilege (not the right) of delivering anticipated, personal, and relevant messages to people who actually want to get them. It recognizes the new power of the best consumers to ignore marketing. It realizes that treating people with respect is the best way to earn their attention. This type of marketing is the answer because a consumer, your audience, is captive and interested because he or she has chosen to be.
Today more than ever you must have the essential elements to effectively market—create a flexible budget, understand your audience, engage your prospect, and provide credible content! You need to capture their undivided attention. Your marketing efforts must not be an interruption, but an integral part of the learning experience. Consumers want to be educated before they buy. Content builds loyalty, credibility, and trust.
Express-permission marketing: The consumer provides their email to receive marketing messages. For example, they might sign up for a newsletter. Express marketing is common when creating new business relationships. Implied-per- mission marketing: The business has an existing relationship with the consumer.
This might include someone who’s a current customer or frequent website visitor. At its core, permission marketing is about respecting modern consumers. It is the antithesis to traditional interruption marketing, which steals time from consumers. TV commercials, telemarketers, and street advertisers are all examples of interruption marketing. The goal of permission marketing is to create a relation- ship so powerful that your audience looks forward to your communication. On his blog, Seth Godin says, “Real permission works like this: if you stop showing up, people complain, they ask where you went.”
By now, you’ve probably figured out that permission marketing is a cost effective marketing method. That’s not the only upside. Other pros include maintaining strong client relationships, reputation building, and boosting leads. By investing time into what customers want to see, customers will become loyal to your brand. Businesses also build a positive reputation by delivering high-quality email marketing to audiences. Receiving permission to market to your recipients is a way to build trust, value, and brand loyalty with consumers.
The Women’s Journal offers a community to advertise your business or service. Engaging, inspiring and educating through content is the secret to connecting and building a relationship with women consumers. Contact us today at 216.374.1405 or email to schedule a free content marketing consultation.