Are you a business or non-profit located in Medina County? Do you have fewer than 50 employees? If yes to both, you could be eligible for a small business grant! Find the application at
As part of the CARES Act, Medina County has created a new Small Business Grant Program to help businesses and non-profits hit by COVID-19 and the resulting shut down cover expenses and maintain business growth.
“We are very pleased to put this effort together. We received the money the last week of June and we are committed to getting this program launched before the end of July,” said Commissioner Colleen Swedyk. “Our businesses need our help!”
“The five million dollars received by the county will be allocated to the cities, villages, townships, and County based on the Local Government Funding formula. These monies will be used to offset expenses incurred by these governmental agencies to comply with the Governor and Health Commissioner’s orders to address COVID 19. Unused funds will be available for companies and non-profits who have been financially affected by COVID 19 through a small business grant program,” explained Scott Miller, County Administrator. “We expect this amount to be in excess of 1 million dollars.”
“The opportunity to offer this program gives our small businesses and non-profits another outlet to help offset expenses,” said Bethany Dentler, Executive Director of Medina County Economic Development Corporation. “We can only reimburse expenses, but that includes benefits and salaries paid to workers who were furloughed, the cost of personal protection equipment, and rent and utilities to name a few examples.”
The program, allowed under the CARES Act, is outlined by the guidance set forth by the U.S. Treasury Department. It allows local governments to receive CARES money to create grant programs. Other counties throughout Ohio have created similar programs, but they have been more restrictive.
“It was important for us to include all types of businesses including independent contractors, LLCs, corporations, and non-profits. All businesses and non-profits with less than 50 employees in Medina County are eligible,” said John Burke, Medina County Treasurer.
Recognizing small business as the lifeblood of a community, this effort, partnered with others being managed throughout the county, will help support our businesses and ensure they continue long after COVID has been managed. Eligible applicants will be located in Medina County, have fewer than 50
employees, less than 1.5 million in revenue, and not received other federal funds to cover expenses related to COVID-19 and the government-mandated shutdown. To apply, visit
Contact Information: Kathy Breitenbucher, 330-461-3107,