With the recent spread of COVID-19, we have been forced to stray from our everyday lives and step into a life that’s unfamiliar. How do we maintain our habits, appointments, and commitments without contributing to the fatal impact of this virus? Here at Apex Skin, we are keeping our commitment to you, our patients.
You still have needs and we’re here to serve them. So, let us introduce you to TeleDermatology, or Virtual Visits, which allow our dermatologists to evaluate, diagnose, and treat patients using a phone or computer.
What are the PROS and CONS of TeleDermatology?
Some of us love technology; it’s an everyday part of our lives and even sometimes like an extension of us. Others can see it as difficult.
• Safety and efficiency of use. You can be seen the same day and from the comfort of your own home.
• Access to healthcare can be a challenge for some, and an issue for certain patient populations who risk exposure to the virus by entering public areas. Telehealth makes it possible for patients to continue to connect with quality healthcare providers and receive treatment for non-emergent issues.
• Insurance coverage. Good news: it is a covered benefit for most patients!
• Any remote form of healthcare will also have its challenges. In dermatology, we rely heavily on the physical features of certain spots to determine if they are of concern to the patient. It can be difficult to examine in clear detail an area of concern via an electronic device. We are trying to ensure the best possible care at Apex and have been asking patients to include clear quality photos of any issue patients would like evaluated to give the provider an additional platform to diagnose.
Even if a patient needs to be seen in clinic, an initial online appointment is a great screening tool.
Who should consider TeleDerm?
TeleDerm can be a great option for patients of all ages including children and teens with conditions like acne and eczema who otherwise might have gone without treatment.
Whether a patient is new to the practice or has been with Apex for years, anyone can utilize TeleDerm.
We are helping our patients adhere to guidelines given by the state to shelter in place and TeleDerm is a wonderful option. Apex is proud to contribute in a positive way to #StayHome!
What should I still go in-office for?
If a patient has a cancerous lesion that needs to be treated or a history of certain types of skin cancer, especially melanoma, patients should be seen in-clinic. Certain types of rashes and other conditions may also require you to be seen in the office.
However, please call ahead and talk with your provider to determine the best treatment plan for you.
Is TeleDermatology here to stay?
TeleDermatology is a feature we plan to continue to incorporate into future practice. It is an easy and efficient way to connect with our patients and bring quality healthcare in a convenient way.
We are thrilled to be able to utilize technology to serve our patients, so that they continue to have access to the highest quality dermatological care, even during challenging times.
For more information or to book your TeleDermatology appointment, call 833-279-SKIN (7546) or
go to www.apexskin.com/teledermatology